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Update from Newark Hospital / Newark HealthCare Consultative Group

“Ask For Newark” - be sure to ask for a Newark appointment if you want to be seen there rather than at Kings Mill. The bookings team don’t always offer the choice, so please let them know if Newark is your preference.

Published: 20 March 2023

More and more services are coming online at Newark Hospital,:

  • Hip and knee operations started last year after upgrades to our operating theatres.
  • A breast one stop clinic that allows patients with symptoms, when referred by their GP, to see a specialist and have their tests in the same visit.
  • More gynaecology services coming online
  • With NSDC, land secured for additional 80 car parking spaces and designated staff parking providing a further 80 spaces and designated staff parking
  • New Theatres: An extra 2,600 operations and procedures to take place each year as new state-of-the-art theatre and recovery two minor operations suites at Newark for summer 2023. Extra capacity will be in elective (non-urgent) care for urology and ear, nose and throat (ENT) surgery, which have the greatest backlogs. It will also enable clinically-appropriate procedures to be moved out of the theatres into minor operations suites to free up space for bigger procedures, in line with the national initiatives.


Collingham Medical Centre has just been scored in the top 4% of all surgeries nationally (256th out of 6418 surgeries)

We welcome our new Practice Manager, Sam Ward. We are currently looking for new Patient Participation Group members (the only qualification needed is to be a patient at CMC ), especially from the villages outside of Collingham which is already well represented. Contact Linda Dales if you know of anyone!


The Newark Health Consultative Group welcomes parish council representatives from all of our villages and meets quarterly at Newark Town Hall (but will report key messages and can take in any reported concerns on your behalf)

Currently under review is the relative performance of the 7 surgeries in our locality (Barnby Gate Fountain, Lombard Street, Collingham, Southwell, Hounsfield and Balderton). We have just received the first draft but there are some adjustments needed so we await that, but Collingham fares well.

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